View Profile Mr-Plad

46 Movie Reviews

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slow and short

this movie runs slow. i think it would be better if you sped it up and made it longer.

funny shit

wow man that was funny. starwars and hip hop. never would have thought of that combo.

not so bad really.

looks like a typical megaman flash. graphics arent bad. sound is ok too. it runs a little slow so if you speed it up just a bit, develop the storyline, and spice up your humor you should have yourself a decent flash.

its very..........

ren and stimpyish. i like it.

right on

dude please tell me youre going to get around to doing one of these for metroid prime.


the movie and story line are really cool, but there is a problem with the sound. there is some sort of clicking and the sound pauses when certin loops recycle. other than that your movie rocks.

JK responds:

Thanks man, and yeah the sound was kinda shit at times

pretty cool

i liked it alright. it was amuseing, and its always funny when someone or something falls to their death. id like to see what you could come up with if you put more work into it.

that rocked

that shit was really funny. just what the world needs. more hardcore shit talking ninjas.

anime starwars

id love to see a full length anime spin on the origional starwars trilogy. this rocks.

<ATTENTION> this is a clevar message. anyone who reads this message will immediately be required to think that i am clevar, interesting, and witty. thank you and have a nice day.

Age 47, Male

Lazer Operator/DJ

my momanems house

Joined on 6/2/03

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